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Buisness Brief

Complete equipment export and project contracting are the core business of COMPLANT. It involves many fields, such as industry, transportation, infrastructure etc. The business market is mainly distributed in developing countries such as Asia, Africa and Latin America. The main countries include Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Barbados, Jamaica, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda etc. In recent years, the major projects carried out by COMPLANT are mainly the Essen OMO-kuraz2 sugar factory project, the Essen OMO-kuraz3 sugar factory project, and the Barbados Sam Rhodes hotel project. In addition, COMPLANT actively responds to the "One Belt One Road" initiative to speed up the strategic transformation, actively explore new business models such as EPC+ investment + operation, BOT, PPP etc.

The general trade business covers all aspects of national economy and the people’s livelihood, including Machinery, agricultural products, textiles, light industrial products, educational supplies, chemical products and building materials etc. In recent years, COMPLANT has been mainly exporting textile, electronic machinery, solar energy system and agricultural machinery accessories to Ethiopia and Myanmar, importing Sesame seeds, flax seeds, peanuts, peanut oil and other agricultural products from Canada India Ethiopia and other countries. COMPLANT has been carrying out various trade businesses in the light of the principle of quality and trustworthiness, and has won widespread praise.

Overseas business operation is referred to as the Sugar Making Joint Enterprise in Togo, operating under lease by COMPLANT, its main products are cane sugar and alchohol. The project kept a good operation status for years, consolidating the results of economic assistance projects, helping to push forward the political and economic cooperation between China and Togo, And received a high degree of evaluation from The Togo government, praising it to be the successful example of economic and technological cooperation between the two countries.

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