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Chairman Liu Visited Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

From March 23rd to April 1st, Mr. Liu Xueyi, Chairman of China National Complete Plant Import & Export Corporation Ltd, visited Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

During his visit to Sri Lanka, Chairman Liu visited Minister of Health, Secretary of Energy Ministry and officials concerned respectively, exchanging ideas on political, economic situations and investment environment of Sri Lanka.

In Bangladesh, Mr. Liu paid official visits to Minister and Secretary of Industries, Minister of Planning, Chairman and directors of BCIC and other senior officials from Government of Bangladesh separately, discussing implementation of Shahjalal Fertilizer Project, as well as potential opportunities and cooperation models in chemistry and power sector.

In addition, Chairman visited the site of Shahjalal Fertilizer Project, and heard the debriefing delivered by site management team and project supervision unit. Chairman Liu highly appreciated the work done by on-site personnel, hoping they can make consistent efforts to accomplished Shahjalal Fertilizer Project while ensuring quality, safety, progress and balance.  

This visit has laid a solid foundation for in-depth and sustainable developments in the two countries and diversified operation of COMPLANT.

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